Sunday, March 20, 2016

Let's Take A Trip!

To say I was getting nervous for this trip would be an understatement! However, with all of this was so much excitement on what I would see. Most of the trip so far I have been stuck side by side with Skye and I think we went through every emotion within the first four days of us being over here. When we were picking out where we should fly into, we decided that going to our first travel location made the most sense. So our first stop was in Dublin, Ireland. We had a six hour flight that was mostly during the night. Once we had landed it was 8:30 am their time so we had a full day before we could go to bed. However, our first struggle of this trip had happened because once we had gotten through Customs and was about to figure out our way to our hostel we realized that I had left my cell phone on the plane. So after finding a phone to call the airport, they said that they could not find it even after I gave them all of my information on where I was sitting. One cell phone lost. However, we had a pretty good day in Dublin! We decided that we were not going to do a ton of sightseeing there because we are flying out of Dublin when we go back so we will get another chance. That and because we were so tired and went to bed early that night. Here are some of the pictures from Dublin, we went to a jail and the Jameson Distillery.
Inside the Kilmainham Gaol.
Large stone at Jameson, touch it three times for good luck!

They put their whiskey through these three times.
Makes them stand out.

Difference the age of whiskey makes.

The five different kinds Jameson makes.

We left there the next day and then we were off to Glasgow! There airplane ride there was only an hour and it was the smallest airplane I have ever been in! Once there we realized the hard way that Scottish people have very thick accents and we got off at the wrong place on our bus. So it took us an hour and getting lost there to finally find our hostel. In the process of us getting off the bus, was when Skye realized that she had left her phone on the bus. So we were both out on our phones. Thank goodness I brought my Ipad and her laptop is a tablet as well! It was around 10:30am and we couldn't check in till noon so we found a little diner and ate breakfast till we could check in. The place that we stayed there was about the same size as my closet which barely fit two twin beds and a bathroom. What was really weird about here is that they bathroom half of it was the shower and when you did shower then you soaked the entire bathroom in the process. In Glasgow we got out into the city more and figured out how to get around really easily. Here are some pictures from that stop. 

Beautiful building in Glasgow by shopping center.

Outside view of the People's Palace.

Fountain outside the People's Palace.

Skye and I inside the People's Palace.

A building right next to People's Palace.
Also this is where we ate supper that day.

Tower in the shopping center in Glasgow.
After Glasgow it was on a train to London the next day! London is a story that I will share later because so many things happened there so I will post about it later! Until next time! :-)

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